Book Marc

Why The Submarine Force is The Silent Service

When people hear the term “Silent Service,” they often assume it refers to the necessity for submarines to operate quietly beneath the waves, undetected by enemy forces. While stealth and silence are indeed paramount for submarine operations, the true origin of this intriguing moniker is rooted in a fascinating piece of history that reveals much…

The U.S. Navy’s Purpose-Driven Safety Program: SUBSAFE

In the dark depths of the ocean, where pressure crushes with unimaginable force and every decision counts, the United States Navy’s SUBSAFE program is a beacon of safety and reliability. Born from tragedy and forged through unwavering dedication, SUBSAFE is more than a mere protocol—it’s a testament to the Navy’s commitment to excellence and preserving…

Finding Meaning in Every Interaction: Steps to Shift from Meaningless to Meaning-full

In this new, disruptive world where disconnection seems to be prevalent, the quest for purposeful interactions has become a significant pursuit, both personally and in the realms of leadership and business. Consider this: Gallup’s study revealed that 80% of Americans lack a solid connection to their company culture. That statistic raises the profound question: How…

Using Purpose-Driven Leadership to Fight the Burn Out Epidemic

Managerial burnout has become a prevalent challenge affecting organizational efficiency and employee well-being. Recent Gallup and Harvard Business Review studies highlight a stark reality: nearly 50% of managers report feeling burned out at work [1][2]. This concerning trend demands a closer examination of the root causes and actionable strategies to address this pervasive issue. The…

Embracing Employee Agency: 4 Keys to Empowering Your Team for Success

Employee agency has become crucial in promoting engagement, productivity, and overall organizational success in today’s rapidly changing work environment. Employee agency refers to individuals’ autonomy, empowerment, and ownership in their roles. Employees who feel empowered become proactive contributors and engaged team members rather than task-doers. This transformation is the catalyst for organizational growth and success….

What We Need to Implement Right Now from the U.S. Navy’s Art of Readiness

In today’s complex business arena, uncertainty has become a constant companion. As businesses face challenges ranging from lost opportunities to plummeting profits, the answer lies not just in adaptation, but in something deeper: readiness. It’s a proactive stance that serves as a shield against these challenges, demonstrated by the U.S. military. Let’s dissect the military’s…

The Evolution of Elite Leadership: Learning from Military Strategies in a Corporate World

Leadership has always been a critical factor in the success of any organization, whether in the military or the corporate world. Interestingly, the military’s journey towards developing elite leadership styles began much earlier than their civilian counterparts. In this blog, we’ll delve into the reasons behind the military’s early adoption of adaptable, strategic, and inclusive…